
Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Angular JS Features.

  1. Controller
    • It is just a java script function.
    • It contains data.
    • It specifies the behavior.
    • It should contain only the business logic needed for a single view.
  2. Scope
    • An object that refer to the application model
    • An execution context for expression like {{}}
    • Scopes are arranged in hierarchical structure which mimic the DOM structure of the application.
    • Scopes can watch expressions and propagate events.
  3.  Model
    • It is just a java script object.
    • Model represent an object with some key and value.
  4. View
    • View is nothing but just the HTML.
  5. Services
    • Services in Angular JS are singleton.
    • It is used to perform the common task between the controllers.
    • We can access the common task between the controllers using services.
    • Angular JS have some built in services that start with a symbol $.
  6. Directives
    • Directives are used to remove the code duplication.
    • You can define you your own directive and use that according to your requirement.
    • 'ng' prefix in Angular JS stands for built in directives like ng-app, ng-model etc.
  7. Filters
    • It is used to filter the result according to user requirements.
    • You can also format your result using filters.
  8. Routing
    • It is used to configure the navigations.
    • You can go from one page to another using routing.

Best IDE For Angular JS

Many peoples working on Angular JS want some best IDE which support Angular JS. I was also searching for the IDE which support Angular JS. After a lot of searching i came across Jet Brain Webstrome and Intellij Idea . These two IDE support Angular JS and performs best of all others. Specially if you want to work on client side web application Jet BrainsWebstrome is best to work with.
Good Luck

Angular JS Interview Questions.

Here is some of the interview questions which you might be looking for then must must go through all .
For the answers and for more questions you can refer this link Angular JS Interview Questions You can ask you question there.
  1. Difference between Angular JS and JQUERY ?
  2. What are the key features of Angular JS ?
  3. How can you define scope in Angular JS ?
  4. What is controller in Angular JS ?
  5. What is Model in Angular JS ?
  6. What is view in Angular JS ?
  7. What is Services in Angular JS ?
  8. What is data binding in Angular JS ?
  9. What is directives in Angular JS ?
  10. What is Filter in angular JS ?
  11. How can you perform Validation in Angular JS ?
  12. How can you test your code in Angular JS ?
  13. How can you perform Routing in Angular JS ?
  14. How can you compare Angular JS with Backbone JS ?
  15. How will you loops through a collection and List in Angular JS ?
  16. How will you parse a JSON response in Angular JS ?